New Hire Checklist

  1. UA NET ID: Have New Hire create a UA NetID at The UA NetID is the electronic login used for creating email accounts, and for accessing University and department services and the campus' secure wireless network.
  2. EMAIL ACCOUNT: Set up a UA email account. Your UA NetID and password will also serve as your email account identifier in the form of Go to and login to set up your university email account. 
  3. CAT CARD: Obtain your UA identification card (CatCard) from the CatCard Office if necessary. More information on obtaining your Catcard can be found here:
  4. DOCUMENTATION: Complete any necessary documentation for your unit or team such as the technology agreement, etc. 
  5. TRAININGS: Complete all necessary traings required for new hires, laboratory, and human subject research. 
  6. COMPUTER: If a computer is required as part of your role functions, your supervisor will work with IT Medicine to assign you a computer as well as inital set-up. 
  7. KEYS: Any building access/ room keys will by requested by your supervisor to the Alexis Soto, Manager
  8. PARKING: To obtain a parking permit, you will need to go to parking and transportation to acquire one either through the online portal or in-person. For more information on permit types, payment options, click here
  9. New Hire Trainings (Edge Learning): 
  • Information Security Awareness Training
    Course ID: 1332
  • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination
    Certification ID: 000000371
  •  Active Shooter Preparedness Training
    Certification ID: 0000015934