It is my privilege to serve as Director of the UA Center for Community and Scientific Discovery in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. The center will serve as a nucleus for interdisciplinary research that forms the foundation for translation of biomedical research to advanced, evidence-based clinical care in the community in order to facilitate the development of innovative approaches to delivery of care and prevention serving a population in one of the most high-risk regions in the nation.
We hope this website will assist you in learning more about the center and research initiatives focused on researching biological, behavioral, environment factors to discover the potential causes and cures for diabetes and its complications.
As endocrinologists and researchers, we face growing challenges in understanding the complexities and origins of disease, working toward its early identification, treatment and prevention.
We welcome your inquiries, and look forward to working with you.
Lawrence J. Mandarino, PhD
Director, UA Center for Community and Scientific Discovery in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Chief, Division of Endocrinology
Professor of Medicine